At St Brigid’s Cathedral, Kildare we love to celebrate the big events of life. Please contact us if you would like to know more about them.



Baptism is the sacrament of beginning the Christian life and we welcome all those who are interested in taking Jesus seriously. The baptism service will usually take place at 11.30 am within the normal Sunday morning service after preparation. If you are interested in baptism either for yourself of for your child please contact us. A short introduction on Baptism can be found here.


Confirmation by the Bishop usually takes place once a year after some preparations across the Group. It is a public adult confession of faith in Jesus Christ where promises made at baptism are publicly renewed. People are not usually confirmed before 12 (sixth class) but you can be confirmed later. If you want to know more, please contact us. A short introduction on Confirmation can be found here.


Please contact us if you want to discuss being married in the Cathedral. There are certain church and legal requirements that have to be met . Please do not make any arrangements until you have talked with us. A leaflet on the Church of Ireland’s understanding of marriage can be found here