Cathedral Team
Bishop: Most Rev Pat Storey
Dean: Very Rev Isobel Jackson
Non Stipendiary Minister: Rev Trevor Holmes
Kildare Centre of Mission Lead Evangelist: Rev Philip McKinley
Parish Reader: Tom Wheatley
Cathedral Verger: Helen Moore
Organist: Ella Fallon
Director of Music: Thomas Charles Marshall
Cathedral Chapter
Dean: Very Rev Isobel Jackson
Precentor: The Very Rev Paul Bogle
Archdeacon: The Ven Leslie Stephenson
Chancellor: The Rev Canon John Clarke
Treasurer: The Rev Canon Isaac Delamere
1st Canon: The Rev Canon William Steacy
2nd Canon: The Precentor
3rd Canon: The Chancellor
4th Canon: The Treasurer
Select Vestry
The Select Vestry serves as the trustees and stewards of the parish’s money and resources.
Who makes up the Select Vestry?
The people who make up the Select Vestry are:
- The member of the clergy who is officiating in the parish (who is chairperson of the select
- Two churchwardens (rector’s churchwarden and people’s churchwarden);
- Two glebewardens (rector’s glebewarden and people’s glebewarden); and
- Up to 12 additional parishioners who are members of the general vestry and elected to the se-
lect vestry by the general vestry at the Easter vestry meeting.
How are Select Vestry appointed?
The general vestry means the registered lay members of the parish who are at least 18 years old. The rector’s churchwarden and rector’s glebewarden are appointed by the rector; the people’s churchwarden and people’s glebewarden are elected by the general vestry.
At its first meeting after the Easter vestry, the select vestry appoints from among its members a secretary and a treasurer. If the circumstances require it, a secretary and treasurer may be appointed from the membership of the general vestry. The secretary is also to act as secretary of thegeneral vestry.
What does the Select Vestry do?
The select vestry is the group of individuals which takes responsibility for the decision-making and day-to- day management of the parish. Responsibilities include managing the parish finance and employment of lay people, providing the infrastructure to support worship and ministry, looking after the exterior and interior of church, glebe, other buildings and graveyards, and ensuring compliance with State and church legislation and regulations.
The responsibilities of the select vestry can be summarised into the following categories:
FINANCE: to ensure all parish funds and assets are used appropriately
FABRIC: to maintain the church, glebe, other buildings and graveyards
FURNISHINGS: to maintain the furnishings inside the buildings
COMPLIANCE: to comply with State and church legislation and regulations
Other committees also are associated with the Cathedral, including the Round Tower Committee,
the Friends of the Cathedral and the Kildare Centre of Mission.