
Girls Friendly Society

Branch in the Diocese of Meath & Kildare

GFS stands for Girls’ Friendly Society. GFS is active in 80 branches throughout Ireland and plays an integrated part in the life of the Church and community, offering members education through fun, while helping them to live a Christian life. Our head-quarters in Ireland are in Oak House, 36 Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4. GFS celebrated 140 years in Ireland in May 2017. GFS is a registered charity and also a global organisation, helping girls and women all around the world. We are a uniformed society.

GFS is constantly revising its education programme which encourages members to achieve their best in a variety of areas and includes outdoor pursuits, drama, first aid, environmental awareness, arts and crafts, information technology, church life, and public speaking for which the girls are awarded badges. Camps, outings, concerts and competitions are among regular events.

We usually meet up for roughly and hour and 15 minutes, two Friday’s per month for games, badge work curriculum, Bible Study and crafts, we are currently meeting once a month online due to Covid-19 restrictions.


Here is a sample of some of the badges that can be earned, and some of the ribbons that the girls can win via competitions.


Newbridge branch celebrated 40 years in operation in Nov 2019. Our current volunteer leaders are pictured here, Joanne, Hazel, Jane and Karen.


Here is the Prayer for our society.


GFS has members as young as 3 years of age. Our adult members are called Townsend Members (after our founder) and meet up for our own outings and friendship. All our leaders are volunteers and if you would like information on joining GFS as a member or a leader you can contact Jane Campbell (Branch President 0871306759) or Hazel Whiteley (Branch Secretary 0868743185) for information and a membership form.


Some recent projects that the girls have been working on…