The Kildare Centre of Mission (KCOM) was formally launched on Tuesday 17th October, 2023 at a special Service of Dedication in St Brigid’s Cathedral, Kildare.
The preacher for the Service of Dedication was the Chief Executive Officer of Church Army UK and Ireland, Ven Dr Peter Rouch. Church Army UK and Ireland are co-partners with the Dio-ceses of Meath and Kildare on the project.
Commenting on the launch, Bishop Pat Storey said, “We were delighted to launch KCOM – an opportunity to try new things for the sake of our God and giving the glory to Christ. Our churches are dots of light across the map of Ireland and our hope is that KCOM will burn bright”.
The work of the KCOM began in September 2022 with the appointment of Rev Philip McKinley as Lead Evangelist, followed by Kelley Bermingham as Pioneer Evangelist in April 2023. In June 2023, Very Rev Isobel Jackson was appointed Dean of Kildare and Rector of Kildare and Newbridge Group of Parishes.
The need for a Centre of Mission in the Dioceses of Meath & Kildare arose from the 2018 Di-ocesan Strategic Review, undertaken by Church Army.
The aim of the KCOM is to establish an outreach and spiritual tourism presence in St Brigid’s Cathedral, Kildare. KCOM also seeks to serve the needs of Kildare town, county and the wider Dioceses of Meath and Kildare.
For further information see - https://churcharmy.org/mission/kildare-centre-of-mission/
For examples of other Centres of Mission around Ireland see;
Sligo - https://churcharmy.org/mission/sligo/
Ballina, Co Mayo - https://churcharmy.org/mission/ballina/
Cork - https://churcharmy.org/mission/cork-centre-of-mission/