We love to welcome children and young people into our Church family and activities. The Church’s ministry to them is a priority for us and it is only possible because of the commitment of adults who are prepared to work with children. Safeguarding Trust is designed to protect and enhance that ministry.
Kildare Cathedral seeks:
To create a safe environment which will promote healthy and fulfilling participation of children and minimise the possibility of harm, either deliberate or accidental.
To encourage safe practices for those who work with children.
To safeguard those who work with children from the consequences of unfounded accusations
Training Session have been held across Kildare and Newbridge Group of Parishes giving all those
who work with children a full introduction to child protection and best practice. Should you have any
concerns or questions contact a member of the Parish Safeguarding Trust Panel
The Very Revd Isobel Jackson, Iolanda Herron, Thomas Wheatley, Jane Campbell